WHOis Search

WHOIS Search

Type a Domain, IP Address, ASN

Examples - Domain name : boxcorea.com, IP Addr. :, AS Number: AS2019

About Whois

WHOIS is a service that searches the whois database using the RFC-3912 protocol and displays the results.

WHOIS service uses WHOIS protocol using port 43, and this web service shows WHOIS Query results. Permissible queries are domain name, IP address and AS number.

Whois Query

A Domain Name is a set of characters that identifies a specific website. Each Domain Name contains a Top Level Domain (TLD), such as .com or .net, and subdomains of that top level domain. Each domain can have subdomains.

An IP address is a number used by devices on a computer network to distinguish and communicate with each other. Currently, IPv4 is mainly used, but due to the lack of IPv4, the use of the next-generation version, IPv6, is increasing.

A Domain Name is a set of characters that identifies a specific website. Each Domain Name contains a Top Level Domain (TLD), such as .com or .net, and subdomains of that top level domain. Each domain can have subdomains.